16th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM19, Liubliana (Eslovenia). 18-20 septiembre 2019
The Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) problem aims at identifying a list of equipment, among transmission lines, cables and transformers, that will be installed on the grid over a predefined planning horizon. TEP must also identify the respective periods of installations of the selected pieces-of-equipment to expand the grid. TEP is a mixed-integer non-linear and non-convex problem that requires a huge computational effort to be solved and, for this reason, many authors have been proposing relaxed TEP versions to reduce the mentioned computational burden. In this direction, this paper presents a broad comparison between the relaxed static TEP approach and the complete dynamic TEP. Numerical simulations are conducted using the Garver-6-bus and the RTS-24-bus test systems. The problem is handled by a hybrid tool composed by the Evolutionary Particle Swarm optimization (EPSO) algorithm and a version of Hill-Climbing (HC), besides an AC-optimal power flow model is used to get more realistic operation conditions of the network. Even though dynamic TEP approaches present a higher computational effort, the results show that with this solution approach it is possible to obtain relevant investment savings when compared with the static TEP approach.
Palabras clave: AC-Optimal Power Flow, Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization, Heuristic Algorithm, Hill Climbing, Transmission Expansion Planning.
Publicado en IEEE EEM 2019, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1258-9
Fecha de publicación: 2019-09-18.
L.E. De Oliveira, P. Vilaça, J.P. Tomé Saraiva, Transmission Expansion Planning - A broad comparison between static and dynamic approaches, 16th International Conference on the European Energy Market - EEM19, Liubliana (Eslovenia). 18-20 septiembre 2019. En: IEEE EEM 2019: Conference proceedings, ISBN: 978-1-7281-1258-9